Friends Want to Help Stricken Environmental Activist article All of us on the AGRRA team are deeply moved by Kemit's condition. We hold special memories of working with him on coral reef restoration projects as well as his vibrant, smart and warm company. Please take...
Emergency Post-Hurricane Dorian Relief for Abacos and Grand Bahama
Hurricane Dorian, seen here by GOES East on Sept. 2, 2019. For our friends and partners in the Abacos and Grand Bahama, Our hearts go out to you, and we hope that by now you’ve had some contact with the outside world and provisions. We have been asked...
USCG releases a bulletin outlining BMPs for ballast water exchange regarding the SCTLD outbreak
Marine Safety Information OES-MSIB Number: 07-19 Bulletin Ballast Water Best Management Practices to Reduce the Likelihood of Transporting Pathogens That May Spread Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) is a lethal disease that...
Experts Share Knowledge to Tackle Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease – Key West, August 1-2, 2019
Judy Lang, AGRRA scientist, joined experts from around the Caribbean region at a workshop in Key West, Florida, August 1-2, 2019 to share information on Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease. During the workshop, AGRRA's Coral Disease Outbreak portal was presented to show...
A mysterious coral disease is ravaging Caribbean reefs
Story published in ScienceNews by Cassie Martin, July 9, 2019 Off St. Thomas, the disease is moving faster and killing more corals than any disease before. CORAL KILLER Lesions (white) eat into the tissue of maze corals on Flat Cay reef, near St. Thomas in the U.S....
Update of SCTLD in Southeast Florida
Update of SCTLD In Southeast Florida, May 22, 2019. Submitted by Brian Walker, Nova Southeastern University, Florida M. cavernosa with expanding SCTLD lesion that has crossed its firebreak. Photo by © Brian Walker 2019 Over the last few weeks in...
Reef Resilience Network Webinar, May 8 – Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease: Lessons Learned & Resources from Florida
On May 8 at 11 a.m. EST, Reef Resilience Network is hosting a webinar - Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease: Lessons Learned & Resources from Florida. Registration is required. Florida’s corals reefs have been experiencing devastating effects of a multi-year outbreak...
As Disease Batters Florida Reefs, Scientists and Community Fight Back
Published in TheScientist, Carolyn Wilke, April 4, 2019 A reef off the coast of Florida that suffers from stony coral tissue loss disease. Photo Credit: CONOR GOULDING, MOTE MARINE LABORATORY Stony coral tissue loss disease has already affected 80 percent of Florida’s...