Support Hurricane Relief Efforts in the Caribbean

October 10, 2017

Coral Reef , Cuba. Copyright Don Wilman

These past few weeks have been very difficult for our friends, co-workers, families and neighbors affected by the devastating and destructive effects of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria as well as the series of earthquakes in Mexico.

Our thoughts, prayers and well wishes are with all those affected including colleagues and partners across the Caribbean region.

The ORE Board and team joins with our partners in the region to express sympathy, and hope for speedy recoveries and building stronger for greater resilience in future storms.

Many of the countries affected, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, The Bahamas, Dominica, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, include our partners who live and work on these islands, often with limited resources. They perform amazing work through non-profit organizations and small government departments and they will undoubtedly require assistance to stabilize conditions as even they themselves have lost their homes and offices.


Specifically, ORE supports the following efforts:

Cuba – Two of Cuba’s most important marine research stations, the Center for Coastal Ecosystems Research (CIEC) in Cayo Coco and the Center for Marine Research (CIM) of the University of Havana suffered structural damage, power outages and equipment losses. Click here to support rebuilding of these facilities.

Dominica  – Aid to fisherfolk in Dominica – many of them lost their homes and gear. if you would like to assist in their recovery, please visit this gofundme page developed by The University of Florida to help friends and colleagues in Dominica.

Puerto Rico – Rural communities in the south, west and central regions of Puerto Rico have been affected the most and are predicted to be without power for 4-6 months. Ridge to Reefs and the Institute for Socio-Ecological Research are providing these communities with water purification and solar power systems.  [/whitebox]


To assist other communities in their recovery please also consider donating to any of the hurricane relief efforts listed below.

Thanks to ORE Partners – GCFI (Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute) for compiling this list.