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Benthos Quiz – 20 images
Question 1
TAS - turf algae + sediment
CCA - crustose coralline algae
TA - turf algae
CYAN - cyanobacteria
Question 2
OINV - other (sessile) invertebrate GORG
AINV - aggressive invertebrate PCAR
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
AINV - aggressive invertebrate CZOO
Question 3
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
BLC - bleached (Live Coral) OANN
NDC - newly dead coral OFRA
CCA - crustose coralline algae
Question 4
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-LOBO
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
TAM - TA Sediment Mat
TA - turf algae
Question 5
TAM - TA Sediment Mat
CYAN - cyanobacteria
TAS - turf algae + sediment
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-SARG
Question 6
OINV - other (sessile) invertebrate GORG
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
PEY - any fleshy or calcareous peyssonnelid
CZOO - zooxanthellate clionid
Question 7
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-DICT
CZOO - zooxanthellate clionid
PEY - any fleshy or calcareous peyssonnelid
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
Question 8
BLC - bleached (Live Coral) OANN
CCA - crustose coralline algae
LC - live Coral SSID
NDC - newly dead coral OFRA
Question 9
CCA - crustose coralline algae
CZOO - zooxanthellate clionid
NDC - newly dead coral OFRA
LC - live Coral SSID
Question 10
PEY - any fleshy or calcareous peyssonnelid
FMA - fleshy macroalga GFMA-CAUL
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-DICT
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-LOBO
Question 11
AINV - aggressive invertebrate CZOO
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
CZOO - zooxanthellate clionid
OINV - other (sessile) invertebrate GORG
Question 12
CZOO - zooxanthellate clionid
CCA - crustose coralline algae
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
OINV - other (sessile) invertebrate GORG
Question 13
CYAN - cyanobacteria
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
AINV - aggressive invertebrate PCAR
Question 14
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-DICT
TAS - turf algae + sediment
FMA - fleshy macroalga BFMA-LOBO
Question 15
FMA - fleshy macroalga GFMA-CAUL
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
TAM - TA Sediment Mat
TAS - turf algae + sediment
Question 16
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
PEY - any fleshy or calcareous peyssonnelid
CCA - crustose coralline algae
Question 17
PEY - any fleshy or calcareous peyssonnelid
AINV - aggressive invertebrate TSOL
CCA - crustose coralline algae
OINV - other (sessile) invertebrate SPON
Question 18
TAM - TA Sediment Mat
TAS - turf algae + sediment
PEY - any fleshy or calcareous peyssonnelid
CYAN - cyanobacteria
Question 19
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
NDC - newly dead coral OFRA
BLC - bleached (Live Coral) OANN
CCA - crustose coralline algae
Question 20
CYAN - cyanobacteria
CMA - calcareous macroalga HALI
TA - turf algae
TAS - turf algae + sediment