July 12, 2018 Caribbean-area reef researchers and sport divers should be on the lookout for sites with an unusually high percentage of diseased and recently dead corals. Many of you will have...
Diseased corals in Jamaica
After having been exposed to a severe bleaching event in the fall of 2017, the prevalence of sick and dying corals on north Jamaican reefs, has increased dramatically. Pseudodiploria strigosa, Diploria labyrinthiformis, Colpophyllia natans, Dendrogyra cylindrus ,...
A MESSAGE FROM CORAL RESTORATION CONSORTIUM Greetings from Coral Restoration Community, ABSTRACTS AND SCHOLARSHIP SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE JULY 31 for Reef Futures 2018: A Coral Restoration and Intervention-Science Symposium, to be held December 10-14, 2018 in Key Largo,...
Scientists Race to Decode Disease Devastating Florida Coral Reefs
Article published by Oceans Deeply May 16 ,2018 Oceans Deeply is designed to help you understand the complex web of environmental, social and economic issues facing the world’s oceans. Story by Amelia Urry: As a mysterious but persistent pathogen threatens the last...
Bahamas hosts AGRRA Train the Trainers workshop May 6-11, 2018
AGRRA scientists Ken Marks and Judith Lang and Ana Giro Petersen, the Guatemalan Coordinator for Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative, conducted an AGRRA "Train The Trainers" workshop in Eluethera, The Bahamas, May 6-11, 2018. Participants from The...
A prodigal coral genus returns: Undaria is again Agaricia
A prodigal coral genus returns: Undaria is again Agaricia pending further taxonomic research Budd et al. (1994) classified species of bifacial Agaricia (agaricities, tenuifolia, humilis) as species of Undaria, and this genus name was adopted by AGRRA in 2013. We have...
TAKE THE PLEDGE! 10 things you can do to help Coral Reefs
In acknowledgement of the International Year of the Reef 2018, the International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) is urging its members and all others interested in or concerned about coral reefs, to take one or more of the practical steps in their day-to day living...
Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative releases 2018 Mesoamerican Reef Report Card
PRESS RELEASE - JANUARY 16th. 2018 A DECADE OF MAKING A DIFFERENCE CONSERVING OUR MESOAMERICAN REEF The Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative (HRI) based in the Smithsonian Institution, released its 2018 Mesoamerican Reef Report Card last month. The report is...